Saturday, November 23, 2013

Crunch Time.......

….an all too familiar moment for me.  You’d think I would have learned my lesson by now.  I’m still looking to make my first sell of my Crane Earrings on my shop.  If you stumble onto my blog, please check out my shop. 

This week, I've lower the price to $5.00 for each pair of earrings in an attempt to bring in some sales.  The costs for my supplies is relatively inexpensive and I will not be operating at a loss to sell at this price.  I’m not comparing myself to Roxanne Quimby, but something she said stood out to me, that as long as you can sell something for more than it cost to make it, you can keep a business going. Of course, that’s a very simplistic way of looking at a business plan, but in the end that really does matter.

Highlights from this week’s studies

One of the Acton hero’s we studied this week really made an impression on me, Catherine Rohr.  Her story of setting up the Prison Entrepreneurship Program was very inspiring.  I was deeply moved by her dedication to the program and the sacrifices she made in her life in order to get this program off the ground and running. I can’t imagine how fulfilling it would be to see these individuals find hope in their lives and find a way to create a business, especially when it seems like the world is against them.

The Harvard Manage Mentor topic was Process Improvement.  This was a little trip down memory lane.  I can truly see the value in the experience I went through as a manager when the office I was working at converted to Six Sigma processes.  Albert Einstein said, “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”  This is the simplest way I can think of to define the importance of process improvement.  The world will continue to change around us, and in fact, not changing in business can not only yield no change, but it can decrease outcomes.


  1. Have you posted a link on Facebook yet? That might be a good way to let people know about your etsy site too. Also, don't know if you can pay for advertising but you can do that pretty cheaply on Fb too.

    1. I posted a link on FB, but I think I should have reposted in case someone that may have been interested missed the post. Good idea about the advertising on FB. I hadn't thought about that. Thanks for the ideas. Even though this is the last week for my $100 challenge for my class, I might continue this as a part time job if I can get it off the ground.


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